Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 29, Canajoharie, NY

We ran another 70 miles today and went through 9 more locks on the Erie Canal before finishing the day at Canajoharie, NY where we docked at the town dock with 50 amp power. Another long day - almost ten hours.

Leaving the lock we find a lone fisherman in the middle of our channel.
He moves out of the way.

LIL' DIAMOND is a tour boat based in Ft Lauderdale.
Must be more business here in the summer.

A tourist, Jeff Bancroft, on LIL' DIAMOND takes our picture as we go by and e-mails it to us. That's Ken Horner in our stern.

We transited nine more locks today. As you can see in the above photo, we just leave our fenders down between the locks. Not real pretty, but very practical.

These bouys have moved off station.
Carried away by the current.
If we go between them now - we will end up in the pile of brush.

Our biggest drop. Over 40 feet.
This lock at Little Falls, NY.

Logs removed from the canal.


We walked into the town of Canajohharie, NY, for dinner and found 80% of the stores vacant. Sad to see these small NY towns in such an economic decline. Ended up with pizza and wings (only restaurant open) and brought them back to the boat.

KOKOMO II docked at Canajoharie, NY, at the town dock.
Free dock, free power, in a park, no internet.

We were helped in docking by a sailor who had come from Hamburg, Germany, on his 35 foot sailboat.


He had sailed from Spain to the Azores and intended to land in Florida. Instead he got caught in a 4 day gale and ended up making landfall in Nova Scotia. Said 'at least it was the right continent'. Then he sailed down to NYC and up the Hudson. Now planning going around to Chicago and down to Mobile and then a 40,000 mile trip through the Carribean to the east coast of South America then around the Cape Horn in Argentina (the southern tip of S. America) then to Chile and out to Australia and then back through the Panama Canal and home to Germany. Plans to be gone four years. Has a blog: (in German).


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