Saturday, October 6, 2007

Oct 6, Port Washington, NY

Fog again this morning as we head out from Oyster Bay. Visibility is about one mile so we can easily see the other boats and the navigational markers but not the distant shores or the looming large buildings of New York City which we hope to see soon.

Oyster Bay as we leave in the fog.

Execution Rock Lighthouse

We motored about 10 miles past the large marker called "Execution Rock" and then into Manhassett Bay into the Brewer Marina at Inspiration Point, very near the town of Port Washington.

Beautiful homes as we enter Manhassett Bay

We are in a very small marina (with about 30 other boats) with no one here on the weekend, so we dock ourselves and walk into town.

Downtown Pt. Washington

Nice Deli with good prepared take-out

No cooking on KOKOMO II tonight.


We have a new record for seeing the largest yacht on our trip. In the Manhassett Bay harbor, at the large Brewer Marina in Pt. Washington, we see the SEAFAIR and look her up on the internet. She is not really a private yacht. She is 228' and is sailing without passengers as a floating sales/exhibition hall, from Boston to Coconut Grove. Pt. Washington is her current stop. She is designed as a floating gallery for art, antiques and jewelry. Interesting. Cannot imagine this yacht will be a good investment.

There is lots of boating activity in this harbor today, probably because we are so close to the population center of NYC, and because it is a beautiful day. The morning fog has entirely burned off and now we only have a distant haze blocking our view of the skyline. We are next to a waterfront restaurant with free dockage so lots of boats are coming and going next to us all afternoon and through dinnertime.

TUG is the ticket booth for this city parking lot in the harbor area at Port Washington.

Busy harbor

Brewer Marina at Inspiration Point

We are settled in ready to watch the Florida Gators (ranked #9) take on LSU (#1). We are running the A/C as the outside temperature is in the 80's.


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