Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oct 3, Port Jefferson, NY

Woke up in Greenport with fog and visibility of about one-third of a mile.

KOKOMO II with 150 foot yacht LORD JIM behind us

We are in downtown Greenport

Fog in Greenport

We turned on the radar (left the dock about 8:30 am) and motored about 10 miles east to Orient Point, then north through Plum Gut just as a high speed ferry came through in the fog, and then motored west along the north shore of Long Island as the fog came and went.

Orient Point Lighthouse

We covered another 40 miles to Port Jefferson and arrived about 3 pm.

Rocky Point Lookout Tower

As we were approaching the harbor at Port Jefferson, we had to make way for the car ferry (not high speed, just large) from Bridgeport, Connecticut, which was arriving just as we were. These ferry's are very large, and have a schedule to keep, so we make plenty of room for him to get past us on his way to the dock.

Clear as we enter the harbor at Pt Jefferson

Power Plant dominates the right side of the harbor in Port Jefferson as we wnter the harbor. Biggest American Flag we have ever seen covers the whole side of the plant.

We picked up a mooring ball from the Setauket Yacht Club, as they are still operating a launch from 10 am to 6 pm even this late in the season. Linda is an expert in picking up the mooring ball, probably even more of an expert than she wanted to be. We go into town on the launch and take a self guided walking tour of Port Jefferson and are back to the boat in two hours.

Large home overlooks Pt Jefferson harbor

There are several sailboats racing around us on the mooring tonight. They seem to have good wind and are having a wonderful time. Several large Swans in our harbor tonight.


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