Friday, September 14, 2007

Sept 14-15, Boothbay Harbor

We left Camden about 10:30 with Jeff and Pat Weber and Mike and Suzie Luce for a cruise of about 7 miles down to Rockland while on our way to Boothbay. Today was crystal clear with almost no wind or sea and so was a really beautiful morning on the water. Air temperature in the 50's. Very pretty coast line between Camden and Rockland. Samoset looks great from the water, too.

Jeff and Pat Weber

Mike and Suzie Luce

After dropping our passengers we motored another 30 miles in 1-2 foot seas, dodging lobster pot floats all the way, to Boothbay Harbour, Maine.

Homes on the point coming into Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Linda in front of a display of TEVA sandles, her favorite summer casual shoe now on sale because it will be winter here soon

KOKOMO II at the Boothbay Harbor Marina with a restaurant deck just next to the boat. At high tide the windows of the boat are level with the umbrella tables

Boothbay is another really charming village built along, over and around the waterfront. We are staying at the Boothbay Harbor Marina which is at the footbridge connecting the east and west parts of town.

Saturday is a rainy day in Boothbay as the remnants of hurricane Humberto pass through. Air temperature is in the 60's. We watch the Florida GATORS beat Tennessee (59-20) on our Direct TV via satellite. All is well aboard KOKOMO II.


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