Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sept 2-3, Portsmouth, NH

Left Boston harbor about 11 am and travelled northeast out past Marblehead, Glouchester and Cape Ann, then north to Portsmouth, NH. Seas are one foot or less and the weather is cool (sweaters and blue jeans on the fly bridge) clear skies and a really beautiful day to travel on the water. No whales today.

Lighthouses at Cape Ann

Portsmouth, NH, is a nice town and our marina (Marina at Harbor Place) is right downtown at the foot of main street. The current in the river here is amazingly strong. The tide fall is nine to ten feet and the current must be 10 knots or more. We are tied up to a floating dock with double lines and feel secure but I have not seen tidal currents this strong before. It is strong enough to be fun in a kayak.

We went grocery shopping this afternoon and reprovisioned the boat as we had cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer before going to California. We are now set for another few days without a restaurant if we need to be.

We walked into town for dinner and ran into a New Hampshire political rally for ..........Hillary and Bill Clinton. The Hillary and Bill show was pure politics in a small New England town. We could walk right up to within 50 feet of the stage (crowd was about 750 or so) and see them both very clearly. We did not notice security so they must have been doing a very good job. We joined the rally as it was almost over and Hillary was finishing her speech. While we were there, she was talking about breaking the glass ceiling and what wonderful effect that would have on the whole world. She seemed right at home with the microphone and Bill was hovering nearby all the time. They make quite the pair. Several placards proclaimed "GO GIRL GO". Looks like the Clinton strategy is to rely heavily on rallying the feminist vote, at least for now. It was interesting theater.

We like Portsmouth and could spend more time here but we arrived the Sunday before Labor Day and most stores and the trolley will be closed tomorrow, so we will move on to Portland, ME.

Monday morning brings NOAA small craft advisory with winds of 15+ mph and forecast seas 2-4 building to 3-5 so we stay in Portsmouth, NH, another day. Tues forecast is for the winds to be more normal again. Beautiful day with the forecast high in the 70's and completely clear a sky. We plan to go to Portland, ME, Tuesday.


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