Friday, September 21, 2007

Sept 21, Sandwich, MA

Woke up in Salem this morning to an overnight low of 59 degrees. Guess we are back to normal. We hope that the cold snap was enough to get the leaves changing color in the next few weeks.

Sandwich is at the east end of the Cape Cod Canal and about a 45 mile run from Salem. As we started out, about 9:30, the weather was hazy but the visibility was 2-3 miles and the seas were calm. As we got further south the fog settled in and our visibility dropped to 200 yards, then 100 yards, then less. Seas were flat with no wind at all. We slowed down from 9 knots to about 5 knots and had the radar on to alert us to other traffic. Interesting afternoon. We came up behind a 40 foot sail boat who was going even slower than we were. We could finally see him physically at about 100 feet or so (we saw him on the radar when he was about a mile away and knew we were coming up behind something).

Finally arrived at Sandwich Marina about 3:30. Trip took about an hour longer than we expected because of the fog. Marina is not much and the town is a mile away so we will not go there. We are happy to be here in a safe haven for the night and need to stretch our legs to work off some stress. Would not like to be in the fog very often.

KOKOMO II in Sandwich Marina, none the worse for wear


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