Saturday, July 28, 2007

July 28, Watch Hill, RI

Woke up this morning to fog, and visibility was 100 yards or so. Weather warm and it seems unusual to have fog and warm weather. Must be the combination of the cold LI Sound and the warm air and high humidity that causes the fog. Fog burns off about 10 am. We went to the Mystic Aquarium this morning. Highlights included seeing the Beluga Whales and the feeding of several types of Sea Lions. One was an eight year old male at 1600 pounds that will grow for at least four more years before reaching adulthood. We enjoyed hearing them "roar" like African lions. Irv rode the simulated roller coaster and we all saw a typical California Sea Lion show. There were many exhibits of fish and other sea creatures in tanks. Spotted a Spiny Lobster and thought of Dan and Katie and all their friends who are arriving in Green Turtle Cay today.

About lunch time we motored out of the Mystic River and went into the small harbor at Fischer Island, only about 3 miles offshore. Some pretty homes but not much else and we motored on east to the Little Narragansett Bay and the town of Watch Hill, Rhode Island.

Another interesting lighthouse out in the middle of the Long Island Sound.

Watch Hill is a very touristy small beach resort town with many beach shops, an old carousel, great ice cream stores, several private yacht clubs and a nice dock arrangement for us at Watch Hill Docks overlooking everything.

Carriage house was one of the prettiest homes we saw in Watch hill.


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