Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, Deltaville, VA

We left Norfolk about 8 am and got fuel ($2.43) at the Portsmouth Boating Center. Headed north out of Norfolk Harbor and passed the Navy Pier complex, where the Navy unloads and loads provisions and changes crews for the ships. We saw 17 large Navy Ships at the piers and three more underway. Two were leaving Norfolk and one returning. Busy place.

Navy Warships

Heading north into the open waters of the Chesapeake is an old Trumpy, FREEDOM that says she is headed to St Michaels.


The open Chesapeake had whitecaps and 2-3 foot waves as we headed north about 50 miles to Deltaville. We ran at 16 and are glad that days run is behind us.

Wolf Trap Light about two miles offshore

We are staying at Doziers Regatta Point Marina. Seems nice. Has internet, floating docks and a loaner car. More than a mile from town. We used the loaner car for a quick look at town and found it very rural with fish market, produce stand and a few stores.

Dozier's Regatta Point Marina

Dozier's Regatta Point Marina office.

This marina is home office of the Dozier's Waterway Guides which we use as our cruising guides. We have the editions covering Southern, Chesapeake, Northern and Great Lakes areas. These guides give us good information: navigation, dockage and anchorage options, and a Goin' Ashore section for some of the more interesting stops. We use these guides every day.


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