Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, Topsail Beach, NC

Moved another 40 miles from Southport to Topsail Beach through the Intercoastal Watereway.

Linda, with freighter in the background.

The first hour we were in the main ship channel to Wilmington, NC with a tanker heading upstream towards Wilmington. We stayed slightly outside the channel so we stayed clear. We were moving with the incoming tide and going a little over ten knots (about two faster than normal). The tanker was going about 12 knots so he passes us very slowly and very close. It is an awesome sight to see the large boats so close and underway.


Freighter getting closer.

We are staying clear.

Freighter is safely past us.
Greek flag and lettering on stern.

Another active day on the water with lots of boat traffic as we go through a bridge. We waited about 10 minutes for this one. Not bad.

Lots of small boats on the water today.

A sand bar party with a 'hot dog boat', an umbrella and a palm tree.

Two homes have sculpture in the back yard visible from the water.

Silver 'Sea Goddess'.


We ended up at Harbor Village Marina, which had room for us on a busy weekend. Not much here. No restaurant and no internet.

Harbor Village Marina and office.


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