Saturday, August 22, 2009

Aug 22-23 Pt Washington, WI

The weather is cool and cloudy as we motor 25 miles from Sheboygan south to Pt. Washington.

Salmon fishermen in the early morning crowd the harbor entrance

There are lots of salmon fishermen around the breakwater as we leave the harbor in Sheboygan.

Power plant dominates the harbor at Pt Washington

We are amazed that the water temperature has declined to 49 degrees in Lake Michigan even as we head south.

Pt Washington North Breakwater Light

Pt Washington Marina

Pt. Washington is a large marina (over 250 slips) and has all the services. The fuel solenoid that we ordered in Sturgeon Bay for the generator has arrived and we install it ourselves. The generator works and we are hopeful we have fixed the problem.

Linda admires colorful cauliflower at the farmers market

Students perform in the band shell

We enjoy the local farmers market Saturday morning and find some entertainment in the band shell in the park in the afternoon. The weather is quite cool, high in the mid 60's.

Downtown Pt Washington.
Stone St Marys Church up on the hill has been a landmark since the 1800's.

City Hall

The downtown is close to the marina and we think it is an attractive place to walk around. Pt. Washington seems to have more going for it than the last few downtown's we have seen. There are shops and some restaurants, but even here some have closed and the downtown area seems about 20% vacant. There are several nice restaurants close to the boat.


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