Friday, July 31, 2009

July 27-28, Green Bay, WI

We got a break in the windy weather today. Awoke to calm wind conditions early in the 27th so we left Frankfort at 6:45 and crossed the 55 miles of Lake Michigan to Sturgeon Bay in less than 4 hours.

Leaving Frankfort at sunrise.

Sturgeon Bay Ship Channel North Pierhead Light
is a welcome sight after we cross Lake Michigan.

We docked at Stone Harbor and found workmen using a large crane jackhammer rig to install a coffer dam so they can replace an existing bridge just outside the marina. The noise is very loud and will go on for ten hours a day, so we decide to move on.

Freighters at Sturgeon Bay

Sherwood Point Light as we turn south out of Sturgeon Bay.

So we head south another 35 miles to the town of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Long day on the water today as we move a total of 90 miles.

Approaching Green Bay we nickname the high bridge ahead the 'coathanger' like the famous one in Sydney.

Railroad bridge opens for us.
Downtown ahead.

We arrive at Green Bay and find dockage at the Green Bay City Center Marina in the middle of the downtown area. The docks are all short (30 feet) and the power is all 30 amp (and not separate circuits) except one at 50 amp. All the other boats at the marina are much smaller and we do not think many cruisers get into Green Bay and if they do they probably do not come back as the facilities are not in place for cruisers as yet. We finally get 50 amp power but there are no showers or office and no internet.

KOKOMO II and FOXY LADY II at the Green Bay City Marina

We are docked next to the FOXY LADY II, a coctail and dinner cruise boat that seems to be doing a good business. We met the owner/operator/captain and he was friendly and helpful during our stay at the marina. FOXY LADY II is a very nice boat for a dinner cruise.

Another bright spot is that we are in the shadow of the Holiday Inn and they have free internet in the lobby and are helpful with our tourist questions. We try for a rental car but this is the weekend of the "fly in" and air show at Oshkosh and all the rental cars for a hundred miles around are taken.

Green Bay Packer's 'stuff' is everywhere.

The Green Bay Packers are the biggest 'thing' in Green Bay (Green Bay has taken the nickname 'Titletown') and we walk to the Titletown Brewing Company restaurant for dinner.

Downtown Green Bay.
Only one store remains open in this block.

The downtown Simon Properties Mall.
Now converted to some offices. Mostly vacant.

1930's Meyer Theater, built for movies with a large organ
for the silent movies' sound system, now has live local theater.

Brown County Courthouse with a copper dome.

Next morning Linda and Owen walk the downtown area near the riverwalk and the courthouse where the main downtown shopping area used to be. We find few stores still open. Vacancy rate for the commercial downtown is over 50%. A large Simon Properties mall was downtown and has failed twice. The mall is now converted to some offices and is mostly still vacant. The town has big plans for the riverwalk area but nothing is working as yet.

Matthew, Kim and Drew.

Matthew, Kim, and Andrew (Drew) arrive from California after lunch and we are glad to have them aboard. They were able to fly into Green Bay and took a short cab ride to the Holiday Inn and walked to the boat. This is one of the most convenient places we have found for a crew change and is the reason we are here.

Our crew visits the Railroad Museum in Green Bay (rated a GEM by AAA) and see several big steam engines that are now retired (Diesel replaced steam in the 1950's) and some of the passenger and freight cars of the period. The museum had some nice exhibits including an interesting one on "Hobo's". The exhibit explained how the hobo's would chalk signs (in code) on rail cars to tell other hobo travellers what was ahead in terms of law enforcement, safe drinking water and the availability of handouts. Sometimes they would sign their names. Maybe this is where 'graffitti' got started.

This is 'Big Boy' the largest steam locomotive ever built. It has 16 drive wheels and was used to haul hundreds of coal cars up and down the hills of Wyoming.

Linda in the cab of 'Big Boy'.

Drew and Matthew operate a 'handcar' used by workers on the railroad.

We saw the memorial to 9/11 in Green Bay that contains the names of all who died at the twin towers.

9/11 Memorial.


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