Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sept 4, Portland, ME

We left Portsmouth about 10 am after refueling (@$2.43/gal/diesel) at a fisherman's cooperative. This is the best fuel price we have had since Norfolk, VA. Today's weather was as predicted with seas of 1 foot or less although it got windy later in the day. We motored about 50 miles north to Portland, Maine and arrived about 2:30 pm. It was very cool on the flybridge and we notice the water temperature in the Gulf of Maine is 60 degrees. Lots of lobster pot floats so it was an active piloting day. We passed the lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth just before entering the Portland Harbor.

Old prison now abandoned in Portsmouth Harbor

A typical New England Yacht Club

Lighthouse at Portsmouth

Lighthouse at Cape Elizabeth

Arriving in Portland, ME

Portland is an interesting town and it feels like the "hippie" crowd would be happy here. Lots of brick buildings, cobblestone streets, tourists and restaurants, few hotels and a really nice marina, DeMillo's, right downtown with a famous waterfront floating restaurant by the same name. We walked the town and shopped the shops and did not buy anything except lobster from the lobster pound. We had some fresh oysters at J's Oyster Bar and then back to the boat for our own lobster dinner. We sure are enjoying the weather and the seafood.

This is a painting on a very plain building. Looks good.

New office building next to the old Customs House

Oysters were good at J's on the waterfront in the Portland, Maine, harbor


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