Monday, August 20, 2007

Aug 19-21, Boston, MA

We leave Scituate harbor about 9am. Nice day to travel. Flat seas and clear. We move 20 miles north and enter the Boston Harbor, going through the cross roads of the harbor known as "President Roads". Must be a story there that we do not know. We pass several lighthouses and two large stone forts this morning and enter the harbor active with recreational boat and ferry traffic.

KOKOMO II crew as we leave Scituate

Flat calm

Lighthouse at Scituate

We leave the Scituate mooring field

Kristen takes at turn at the wheel. She is a natural pilot and good at spotting and avoiding lobster pots.

As we approach downtown Boston we have the large Logan Airport on our starboard and highrise downtown Boston straight ahead and on our port. Love coming into large cities as there is so much to see.

Homes on the hills to the south of Boston as we approach

Old Fort

Heavy local boat traffic in the harbor

Downtown Boston

Our marina is right downtown Boston. The first afternoon we go exploring to Fanuall Hall, see some street entertainers and visit the John F. Kenndy Presidential Library.

Our Marina sign and some lobster floats

Street performer. His specialty was the YO-YO

JFK Presidential Library

Dinner tonight is at Durgan Park where Owen and Linda had dinner 40 years ago. Their specialty is 32 oz prime rib and so we have one and all share. Kristen is on a quest for the best clam chowder in Massachusetts and she decides that this is #1 so far.

The second day we take the trolly tour and stop to see the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) Museum and the origional ship built in 1797, now restored, and the now oldest US Warship and built while Thomas Jefferson was President.

Kristen poses as crew for the Constitution

Kim and Kristen as seamen working the sails aboard the training display

Kristen and the origional USS Constitution (restored) in the background

We also visit a modern distroyer

Day three Kristen and Linda go shopping and sightseeing. Kim and Owen take a lay day and attend to the boat and business.

Linda and Kristen at the Boston Commons with the famous Swan Boats in the background

Kristen visits "CHEERS"

We enjoy a free "concert on the green" near our marina featuring the Boston Pops and the Boston Ballet Company

Downtown is beautiful with all the big buildings. In the foreground is Boston's "BIG DIG" which is almost ten years late in finishing and billions over budget. Now almost completed.

Kristen's last night and we have a lobster dinner. Delicious!


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