Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sept 30, Montauk, NY

Dan and Katie left us in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, about 11:30 to fly to Boston and then West Palm Beach. Really enjoyed their visit!

Linda and Owen took KOKOMO II all the way (65 miles) from Martha's Vineyard to Montauk, New York, on the eastern tip of Long Island. Seas were two feet or less the whole way and it was just about a perfect day for an open crossing.

Bay Head Lighthouse, west end of Martha's Vineyard.


We went past Menemsha and Bay Head Light (Lighthouse) on the southwestern tip of Martha's Vineyard, then Cuttyhunk and finally Block Island on our way to Montauk and saw a fair amount of other boaters out today but we can tell the boating season is winding down. We saw one big pod of Dolphin, a few lobster pot floats and no whales. Water temperature is 65 degrees and the air temperature was about the same.

Busy entrance channel into Montauk

Coast Guard Station dominates the Montauk harbor

Commmercial boats in Montauk

We arrived at the Montauk Marine Basin Marina about 4:30pm and were directed to a slip that was 15'6" wide. Our beam is 15'6" - so we backed in and got stuck halfway into the slip. No damage. We came back out and went into the 18' wide slip next to the first one. I'll learn to ask in the future.

Montauk is a very active fishing port. The good restaurants near our marina were all very busy and it was hard to get a table even on Sunday evening. I think the recreational and commercial fishermen go out and have a great meal before they go out on their overnight fishing trips. The tuna boat next to us in the marina left the dock at 3 am heading for the "canyons". The dockmaster said the giant tuna are already gone but the smaller Bluefin are still around.


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