
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Aug 7-8, Morrisburg, ON

Moved through two more large locks (#5 the Snell Lock which raised us 41 feet and #6 the Eisenhower Lock which raised us 42 feet ) today.

A freighter starts out of the Snell Lock as we wait.

Moving slowly

Coming right by us.


Staring to move faster.

NORDIC STOCKHOLM was the only boat we waited for today. We locked through both locks quickly after waiting an hour.

Then on to Morristown and the Crysler Park Marina. The marina is nearly full of boats this weekend (mostly Canadians) as the Canadians are actively boating during their short summer and holiday season. Crysler Park is a part of the Canadian National Park system and there is a carnival type event at the marina this weekend. There are several childrens rides, rock climbing, costumed figures, food and live music.

Crysler Park Marina

Pond next to the new outdoor restaurant at the marina.

Dressed as Sumo wrestlers each tries to bounce the other outside the circle.

On our second day, we head off to Upper Canada Village which is a village recreated to look like the 1860's from buildings from the surrounding areas, many of which would have been lost to flooding when the St Lawrence Seaway was constructed. It is a neat village and is much like Williamsburg, Virginia, or Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan, with costumed characters acting out their parts in the various buildings.

Linda checking out the large vegetable garden.

Hauling a log into the working sawmill.

The horses stop for a snack as they are unhitched.

Formal plantings in front of the meeting hall.

Cooking kitchen in a wood shed behind the stone house. Helps keep the big house cool in summer. Here in active use.

Oxen pulling a wagon. Oxen are large cattle.
Usually bulls that have been clipped to make them docile.

Crysler Park is hosting an American Civil War re-enactment to draw attention to the fact that 50,000 Canadians joined the Union (40,000) or the Confederate (10,000) armies and fought during the American Civil War.

Tent is of a surgeon at a battlefield first aid station.
Traveling with his family.

Typical encampment.

The general riding with his entourage.

Here come a line of Union infantry.

Confederate cannon being fired.
Union forces prevail.

Union forces turn both cannon on the Confederates.

Confederates turn back a Union Calvary charge.

Lots of smoke and movement. About 70 adults participated in this re-enactment. We are told at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, there will be as many as 20,000 participants and that most of these 70 will be among them. There were no Civil War battles fought on Canadian soil. This re-enactment only draws attention to the fact that many from north of the US joined one side or the other. Canada was not a nation during the American Civil War (1860-1865). England was officially neutral. Canada became a nation in 1867. We learned a lot from the participants who all wanted to tell us their stories.

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