
Friday, August 6, 2010

Aug 6, Cornwall, ON

We left on an overcast morning threatening rain and motored another 35 miles southwest in the St Lawrence Seaway with the current running 1-2 knots against us. We ran our regular rpm and so made about 7 knots headway and noticed as low as 6 knots several times in narrow areas. No locks today.

We saw several channel markers today that marked shallow areas. The Seaway is 35-40 feet deep in the channel but is much shallower outside the channel.

Grey morning. Small storms all around us.

Windy. We have a 1-2 foot chop on the water today.

We have now left the french speaking province of Quebec. We are still in Canada and have entered the english speaking province of Ontario. We ended the day at Marina 200 in Cornwall, Ontario, where we have good access to the town. The Marina 200 has new floating docks and is much improved since we were here in 2008.

Approaching Marina 200 at Cornwall, Ontario.

The Marina 200 is next door to a large community indoor swim center and the town shopping mall with a grocery store is another block away. The basis is well sheltered with good power but no internet. Again.

There is a bass fishing tournament based out of this marina beginning this weekend.

We are awakened at 6:30 and find lots of two man fishing teams getting ready to fish in the bass tournament.

Tournament starts at 7:00 am and the teams are ready to head out.

As we left the marina and motored along we saw a dozen teams fishing in the river. Several were catching a fish as we came by. Makes me want to do a little fishing again.

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