Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aug 28, Sylvan Beach, NY

The Oswego Canal is open!

We got word at 8 am this morning that the Oswego Canal has reopened and we were the first boat through heading south to the Erie Canal.

We exit the first lock of the day and find lots of debris ahead.

Still plenty of water over the spillways.

Approaching another lock. Very beautiful day and good to be moving again.

Many of the bouys are covered by floating debris.
Some are off station, but we can see where they should be using our electronic charts.

Several of the locks are in rural settings. This looks like it is in a park.

We transited eight locks on the Oswego Canal today and one more on the Erie Canal for a total of nine locks and covered about 60 miles. We stopped in Brewerton at Winter Harbor Marina and filled up with diesel fuel before heading across Lake Onieda, which was flat calm, and ended the day at Sylvan Beach which is at the east end of Lake Onieda. We had a long day from 8 am to 5 pm. Nine hours on the water today.

Festive time for summer boating at Sylvan Beach.

KOKOMO II is on the wall on the quiet side of Sylvan Beach.

URGER is a famous tug based ion the Erie Canal.
It is here on tour.

Sylvan Beach has a roller coaster and some amusement park rides and is billed as the Coney Island of northern New York. We noticed lots of other boats most with families but some with just young men with high levels of testosterone. We enjoyed our stop but are ready to move on.


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