
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, Catskill, NY

We left Newburgh at 5:15 am to catch the incoming tide. Beautiful morning on the Hudson River. The weather is cool as the sun comes up and Linda actually wears a sweater on the flybridge until about 9 am. Very quiet and not much boat traffic. We passed a tanker, two barges and two pleasure boats in the 5 hour trip.

Tanker NORD TRADITION overtakes us about 6 am.

Esopus Meadows Light.
Marks the edge of a one foot deep bar in the river.

EVA LEIGH CUTLER being pushed by a Bouchard tug.

We decided to stop about 50 miles upstream at the town of Catskill, NY. We are staying at the Catskill Marina where they have a shaded BBQ area and a pool. Good wifi here, too.

Very small Catskill Marina.

Going to be about 100 degrees again today in this part of NY State and the pool is our plan to keep cool. We arrive in Catskill about 10:30 am.

Downtown Catskill.
Pretty big place for a small town.

The town of Catskill is just a few blocks from the marina. We think it is cool enough to walk the town. Lots of stores closed and many more look less than prosperous.

Catskill has an art project here based on 'cats' (for Catskill no doubt) where local artists decorate a cat which is then auctioned for charity. This program showcases the artists and raises money for the arts. We see maybe 30 being displayed in town. Here are a few.

Covered with a mosaic of mirror and ceramic tiles.
Very well done.

MP with all the gear.
Displayed in front of the police station.

About noon it is starting to get hot.

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