
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, Newburgh, NY

Another very hot day. Temperatures in the Hudson River Valley and all around this part of New England are around 100 degrees. And no breeze. We tarry in Tarrytown in our air conditioned boat until noon and wait for the tide to be low and incoming so we can get a boost from the incoming tide as we head further up the Hudson.

We usually cruise at 8.2 knots or about 9.5 mph. The tide in the Hudson runs about 1.5 mph. So the tide going against us means we travel about 8 mph. Tide going with us means about 11 mph. That is a 35% increase in our speed if the tide is with us rather than against us.

Even warm on the water today as the water temperature here is 85 degrees and about the only breeze we have is from moving the boat.

Being 'sent up the river' could mean being sent to Sing Sing Prison.
North of Terrytown.

Beautiful part of the Hudson River.

West Point Military Academy.

More granite rock walls.
The water here is 150 feet deep.

Abandoned ruin on an island
near Newburgh

RIVER RUSE uses a real paddle wheel for propulsion.
Based in Newburgh.

Approaching Newburgh and the Front Street Marina.

We move another 30 miles north, past West Point Military Academy, to Newburgh and are staying at the Front Street Marina located at the newly revitalized riverfront. We remember this marina from our prior trip in 2007 as the murals were just being done at that time.

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