Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oct 7, Joe Wheeler Park, AL

We headed east on the Tennessee River, (upstream) through two locks and a total distance of 25 miles to Joe Wheeler State Park Resort and Marina.

Linda and Dave tending the lines and making sure we stay attached to the floating bollard.

Joyce checking out our first big lock.
We will rise 93 feet.

We went through the Wilson Lock (a lift of 93 feet-largest so far) into Lake Wilson, a lake formed by the Wilson Dam. Then a few miles later through the Joe Wheeler Lock into Lake Wheeler. These are very pretty lakes and reported to have some of the best bass fishing anywhere.

Dave and Linda as we approach Joe Wheeler State Park.

Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge and Marina.

Turtle sunning. Check out those feet.

We ended the day at the Joe Wheeler State Park marina. Very pretty. Nice lodge and restaurant and a nice marina. We have heard many good things about Joe Wheeler as this is to be the site of the fall rendezvous for the AGLCA 'looper' group beginning Oct 25. So we felt we wanted to see the area for ourselves even though we will not be attending the rendezvous.

KOKOMO II at Joe Wheeler.


At October 8, 2009 at 11:38 PM , Blogger Pete Burke said...

Stumbled across your blog. Wound up looking at it for quite a while. What a magnificent journey!


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