Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct 11, Columbus, MS

We moved 60 miles south (downstream) on the Tenn-Tom Waterway from Midway Marina to Columbus Marina at Columbus, Mississippi. KOKOMO II picked up some weeds on the running gear at the Midway Marina and we could not seem to get rid of them. We were slowed some by dragging the weeds and only made 8 knots instead of the 8.8 we usually do. Most of it seemed to be gone by the end of the day but we were a bit slower than usual most of the day. We transited four locks (all down) and had no waiting time today at any of the locks. First lock (Fulton) dropped us 25 feet, second lock (Wilkins) dropped us 25 feet, third lock (Amory) dropped us 30 feet and finally the fourth lock (Aberdeen) dropped us 27 feet. Very nice not to have to wait for any of the locks.

Flooded areas of the Tenn-Tom outside the channel were never cleared of trees.
Channel is twelve feet deep and cleared.

Very rural area.

Some bird wildlife on the river today and not much else.

White Heron.
We saw lots of white herons and a few blue herons. These birds are solitary. Very regal looking.

Bald Eagle.

Not much river traffic either. A dozen bass boats fishing, two cruisers both going north, and one tug came past us pushing eight barges as we exited one lock. Most of the bass boats we saw seemed to be catching fish as we passed by today.

Tug with eight barges. We pass on the 'one whistle'.

Weather is cool (low 60's) and the sky is overcast. Water temperature has declined from 79 degrees in the Tennessee River to 71 in the Tenn-Tom.

Columbus Marina.

We are spending the night at the Columbus Marina. Pretty basic. Nice office and store with showers and internet. Restaurant is closed and courtesy car is not working. We are 5 miles to town. Enterprise rental car office is closed on Sunday. Bummer.


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