Friday, June 27, 2008

June 25, Westport, ON

We motored about 30 miles from Smith Falls through two locks, then Lower Rideau Lake (we bypassed Perth which is five miles up a canal out of the way, but would allow another day to see Perth if we were planning again) to Big Rideau Lake (bypassing Portland) and then one more lock and then through Upper Rideau Lake to Westport which is a nice small town in the northwest corner of the Upper Rideau Lake with lots of older buildings and stores. We are docked tonight at the town dock with power and Internet access and are a short walk across the footbridge to the town.

Leaving Smith Falls. Some of these 5th wheels rent here from the city for the season.

Debbie handling the lines as we enter a lock going up.

Waiting for another boat using the lock ahead. Scenery is very pretty as we wait.

Arriving in Westport on a windy afternoon.

Owen and Ken enjoy the bakery sign. Debbie gets us some special pasteries.

Church on the corner

Shopping street Westport. Shops are nicer inside than outside and no t-shirt shops.

Historic stone building

Spring of fresh water still flows. Was flowing during the stagecoach days of the 1860's.

Westport spring

We spent a pleasant afternoon and evening in Westport and think we saw the whole town. This is a favorite stop and we agree. Nice little town with all the services needed.

Morning visitor.

Debbie and Ken put rain-x on the cabin windows. Still a light sprinkle from time to time.


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