
Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 15-20, 2008, Brewerton, NY

Arrived back in Brewerton, New York and found KOKOMO II launched and waiting for us in the water at the Winter Harbor Marina. The boat looks good and we are happy to be back aboard. The weather is very cool (low of 42 degrees, high of 55) and overcast with some rain drizzle. Winter is not quite over as yet here in Brewerton.

Storage for big boats. KOKOMO II is already in the water when we arrive.

The Winter Harbor Marina has heated storage for big and small boats over the winter and the yard is now very busy launching boats and making the boats ready for another summer season. There must be 50 large boats here being launched this week and more in the next few weeks.

They move the big boats around easily with this equipment

Must be 30 boats out of the barns awaiting launch

We spend several days going through the boat systems and having repairs made but nothing is out of the ordinary for a boat left in storage for six months without being used. The weather is still rainy and overcast so we delay our departure and take in the Erie Canal Museum in Syracuse and visit the shops and malls, restaurants and grocery stores near Brewerton. We particularly like Wegman's grocery. Lots of provisioning to do getting ready for our trip.

Linda and Owen go to the airport in Syracuse to return the rental car and enjoy seeing the airline equipment display in the airport lobby.

We filled the boat with diesel fuel and paid $4.69 per gallon, a new record for us on our trip.

We have a mascot "LOOPER" aboard, given to us by Owen's mother, Margaret. We are ready to head out in the morning.