
Friday, October 12, 2007

Oct 12, 2007, Brewerton, NY

We woke up this morning to an overnight low of 41 degrees. Windy, too. Winter is on the way.

Ilion RV Park and Marina. No frost but we can see our breath this morning.

We completed four more locks today on the Erie Canal and reached our highest point after two locks today (420 feet above sea level) and then started back down again toward the level of Lake Ontario.

The Erie Canal seems to look the same mile after mile. Pretty and rural with few towns or homes as we move to the west.

Erie Canal

We crossed Lake Oneida (the last 20 miles) from east to west in 15 mph winds and a 3 foot chop (the canal itself is almost never choppy-too small) and arrived in Brewerton at the Winter Harbor Marina. Our whole trip on the Erie Canal from Troy to Brewerton was 150 miles and took us two and a half days because of the 22 locks and the speed restrictions. KOKOMO II will spent the winter here in Brewerton at the Winter Harbor Marina in a heated (45 degrees) barn.

Heated Barn - and nice people with a loaner car

Good fuel prices, too.

The crew is picking up a rental car in Syracuse (7 miles) and driving back to Florida. We plan to pick KOKOMO II up again in May or June of 2008 and continue the journey!

KOKOMO II cruised from Florida to New York, then to Maine and back to New York, then up the Hudson River to the Erie canal and west to Brewerton, NY, a total of 3350 nautical miles in 2007.

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