
Monday, July 9, 2007

July 9, Bridgeport, CT

We motored out of Norwalk Harbor on a hazy day and enjoyed seeing the pretty homes on the harbor.

We encountered oyster boats harvesting the local oyster beds using mechanical dredging equipment. There were several boats working the area.

These poles mark oyster beds and are obstacles for boaters as are crab pot floats in the Chesapeake

Motored another 10 miles to Westport, CN. harbor and went looking for Paul Newman and Joann Woodward as they make their home there. No luck but Westport is a very pretty residential harbor without a hint of commercial activity. Lots of very pretty homes. It is Monday so it is very quiet with only the small children and their fleets of small boats racing.

Homes in Westport

Penfield Reef Light at the entrance to Cedar Creek

We motor on another 10 miles to the Black Rock/Bridgeport area and enter Cedar Creek, which is the marina area serving the Bridgeport area. We see lots of activity including some barge traffic and spend the night at Captain's Cove Marina.

Tug pulling barges

Captains Cove Seaport Marina

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