Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 5-6, City Island, NY.

Thursday morning Ron and Cathie leave the boat about 5:30 for their flight back to Florida. Dan and Katie and Ashley, Walker and Linda arrive for breakfast about 8. Dan and Katie take us shopping; Linda for groceries and Owen to West Marine for a water pump (we replaced the water pump in Philadelphia and it lasted a week). We say goodbye to the Spears family as they head to Pt Jervis, NY, to a family get together and possibly some fishing.

We head off down the Hudson River, around the Battery and Wall Street, then up the East River under the Brooklyn Bridge and several more bridges, past the United Nations Building and the NY Lying In Hospital where Kim was born in 1964.
The Battery with a Circle Line boat.

The Brooklyn Bridge

South Street Seaport

The United Nations Building

NY Lying In Hospital at 80th street and the East River

As we head into the Long Island Sound, we go through Hell's Gate which has a heavy current and some small whirlpools. Owen read this chapter of the Waterway Guide several times before proceeding through this area. The tide was running at about 4 knots as we approach and there are some whirlpools but it turned out to be uneventful as our boat has easily enough power to maneuver in this kind of current.

City Island is a small island of marinas (we stay at Consolidated Marine) just as we enter the Long Island Sound. We are at the south end of the island and we need a couple of days to read our mail (thanks Katie) and get the water pump installed.

The best restaurant on City Island

Wisteria Vine


At July 7, 2007 at 2:41 PM , Blogger Lisa and Chris said...

Linda and Owen,
How cool is this! You guys get to take the most awesome trip and we can live vicariously through you. You write so well of your experiences - we almost feel like we're right there with you - and wish we were!!!
Glad you're having such a great trip - let's get together when you get back!
Lisa and Chris


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