
Monday, August 30, 2010

Aug 30, Waterford, NY

We transited another 12 locks today and covered about 60 miles in 9 hours. We made it all the way to Waterford, NY, which is the end of the Erie Canal near Albany, NY.

Sunrise at Canajoharie as we get underway.
A bit of fog on the water.

The scenery today was the prettiest on the Erie Canal as we were in the Mohawk River portion of the canal and the hills around us make for a really interesting area.

Further down the canal we enter the Mohawk River Valley and the scenery gets more dramatic.

Volkswagen on top of the chimney of an abandoned factory.
We see lots of abandoned factories along the canal here.

The water is flowing over the dam.

Lock and dam as we head downstream.

Amsterdam has a welcome center for boaters.
We are moving on.

Train heads over the trestle as we head under.

Interesting river bank forty feet high.

Large home overlooks the Mohawk River.

Islands in the Mohawk River as we approach the last 5 locks that will drop us 35 feet each (total of over 160 feet in a mile)

As we exit lock 3, we meet some kayakers.

The kayakers enter the lock to go up. The locks must take all size boats.

We shared these five locks with a sailboat from Sister Bay, WI. They are headed south for a two year cruise. Here in Lock 2, we can see the town of Waterford ahead.

We ended the day on the wall at Waterford with no power. We are picking up some spotty internet here from somewhere.

Waterford Erie Canal Welcome Center.

KOKOMO II at Waterford on the wall. In a park near town.
Free dockage, no power, weak internet. Ran our generator but warm overnight.

Downtown Waterford, NY.

This is Ken Horner's last stop as he will fly out of Albany airport tomorrow heading for Orlando to see Mike and Robin for a few days, then a few days in the Florida Keys before heading back to work in Indiana next week.

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