
Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19-20, St Michaels, MD

Today we cruised 45 miles north from Solomons to St Michaels and had a very pleasant 5 hours on the water. Waves were generally one foot and there was a breeze. Water temperature in the Chesapeake has been about 82-83 degrees. The McGrath's and Captain Owen brought the boat along and Linda brought the car.

Jack at the bow as we round the point out of Solomons.

Traveling on the same heading.

Cove Point Lighthouse.

Julie and Gracie

Captain Mia.

John and Julie

Tommy, Mia and Gracie ride in our dingy.


Gracie and Tommy as we approach St Michaels.

St Michaels Marina is full.

We are staying at the St Michaels Marina very close to town and we have a pool again. Small pool but great to be able to cool off. Very hot ashore today.

Tommy, Ryan, Jack, Gracie, Christopher and Mia.
John led a family church service on the boat.

We remember St Michaels from prior visits and have found it just the same. Really pleasant.

Downtown St Michaels

Pretty parks.

Pretty homes.

Cannon from 1812

Crabs being sold at the dock.

St Michaels Maritime Museum.

St Michaels Maratime Museum is having an Antique Boat Show this weekend and the town and the marina are packed.

We moved KOKOMO II from the St Michaels Marina to the St Michaels Maritime Museum Marina (about 500 feet across the harbor) for our second night in St Michaels. We toured the Antique Boat Show at the museum on Sunday afternoon and after it closed we stayed on the grounds and enjoyed the normal exhibits of the museum Sunday and Monday morning. Both marina's are located in very close proximity to the town of St Michaels and we enjoyed them both.

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