
Monday, May 24, 2010

May 23, Savannah, GA

Moved about 15 miles to Savannah from Isle of Hope. The tides here are in the 9-10 foot range from high to low. A big change from Florida. The marina's all have floating docks which make adjusting for the big tides manageable.

Evidence of big tide change near Savannah.
About 10 feet.

As we enter the Savanna River, we see and old fort, and several large industrial complexes as we head up river.

Fort James Jackson finished in 1812

Another beautiful suspension bridge spans the Savannah River as we approach downtown.

We are staying at the Hyatt Hotel Marina, in the downtown area overlooking the promenade.

Approaching Savannah

Our first stop in Savannah is the 'Lady and Sons', the restaurant owned by Paula Deen.

Lady and Sons Restaurant

Because of her popular cooking show on TV, the restaurant is a famous landmark in Savannah now. We walked over to the restaurant about 1:00 pm and asked for the next available seating. Our reservation was for 3:15, about a 2 hour wait. They invited us to come back about 3 pm and said they would put us in the gift shop/waiting room then and seat us at 3:15. So we took a walk and arrived back at the restaurant and were seated at 3:15 as promised. On Sunday the only service was 'all you can eat' buffet but it was terrific. We had fried corn fritter (a pancake) with maple syrup, fried chicken (delicious-better than Kentucky Fried), potatoes, sweet potatoes, macaroni, greens and a salad. For desert, peach cobbler and the chocolate chip ooey gooey buttercake. Wow! We are Paula Deen fans through and through.

Beautiful square with City Hall in background

Then we took another walk through the downtown and rediscovered the beautiful parks right in town.

Jacky Inglacius and friend Jan Bradley (our tour guide during our 2007 visit) came to see us downtown and we had a great get together. Neat to see old friends.

Several large freighters came right by downtown as we watched. Here KOKOMO II overlooks the shipping traffic.

There is lots of activity on the promenade. River boats, street performers, restaurants and shops. And lots of tourists.

Riverboat docked right behind us.

Linda aboard KOKOMO II with the promenade in the background.
Beautiful evening.

We loved our location is Savannah. Right downtown within close walking distance to everything. We rate this and 'almost great stop'. Marina does not have internet available and the height of the Hyatt Hotel blocks our satellite TV reception. Still we thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Savannah. And Paula Deen's chocolate chip ooey gooey buttercake!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Paula Deen - wish I could have joined you. Ooey Gooey cake is the best.
