Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18-19, St Augustine, FL

We moved north again another 50 miles through some narrow parts of the Intercoastal. As we cruise near the shore we find it is very interesting to see the shoreline. Some wilderness. Lots of interesting homes, docks and boats.

We always enjoy seeing the dolphins playing in our wake.
They get a 'boost' and a bit of a free ride.

Narrow Intercoastal

A 'fixer upper'.
This tug is in front of a single family home.

We look out the Matanzas Inlet just north of Marineland.
Closed to navigation

Remnants of a old Spanish Fort.
Fort Matanzas National Monument.

In 1565, near the Matanzas Inlet, the Spanish came upon the shipwrecked French Huguenots (French Protestants) and killed them all. Hence the name Matanzas (means slaughtering in Spanish) became associated with this area. 'Google "Matanzas massacre" for the complete story.

Interesting structure built on this dock

Fish head sticking out of the side of the roof over this dock.

Approaching St Augustine.

Construction is almost complete at the 'Bridge of Lions'.
After five years of working on it.

We are staying at the St Augustine Municipal Marina right at the foot of the old downtown.

Historic buildings in St Augustine.

Beautiful old oak trees.

Casa Monica Hotel.

Lightner Museum.

95 Cordova Restaurant @ Casa Monica Hotel.

Robin and Mike came to visit for the day from Orlando.
Here with Linda. Mike says "A rose between two thorns?"

Two tourist sailboats are docked in front of us in St Augustine.

Castillo de San Marcus started in 1672.


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