
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oct 9, Iuka, MS

Rain and gusty winds are forecast for later today for our whole region, so we head out of the Florence, Alabama, marina early and motor about 40 miles west (downstream) on the Pickwick Lake which is part of the Tennessee River.

Leaving Florence Marina.

This party boat is new to us in Florence.

Pickwick Lake is a mile wide and the shoreline is not very developed as we motor along.

We pass on the 'one whistle' side.

Natchez Trace Bridge.

There are several pretty coves that would make good spots to anchor out. It is getting late in the season and we do not see many other boats today.

Cove with a waterfall.
About as good as it gets for an anchorage.
Mile Marker 218 LDB of the Tennessee River.

Dave and Joyce Powell.

We go two miles past Grand Harbor Marina and end our day at Aqua Harbor Marina. We arrive at Aqua and request a secure and sheltered dock as the storm expected this afternoon is forecast to have some high winds associated with it. We get tied up and the rains begin. Good timing on our part. The front is blustery and lasts all afternoon. Dave and Joyce Powell leave us and head off to Tupilo to see see their son and his family.

Approaching Aqua Harbor Marina.

Aqua Harbor Marina is a large and very nice marina with good facilities, including internet and a nice restaurant. Prime rib is the specialty on Friday and Saturday and it is delicious. The marina has a courtesy van but we are content to stay at the marina and eat at the restaurant and are glad we did. One 'looper' reported a problem with service at Aqua, but our experience is just the opposite. The dock manager, Jason, and the good food at the restaurant made our stay very pleasant.

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