Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept 14-17, Alton, IL

Today we moved from Grafton, IL, where the Illinois River joins the Mississippi River, about 15 miles down the Mississippi to Alton, Illinois.

The Illinois River (right) where we have been traveling joins with the Mississippi River (left).

We see some beautiful bluffs along the Mississippi on the Illinois side of the river as we move south today. This is Monday and the river is almost empty of traffic.

Mississippi riverbank downstream from Grafton

We arrive about noon and are tied up at the large Alton Marina, just above the Clark Bridge and close to downtown Alton, with all the services but no Internet at the boat. We are still 15 miles upriver from St Louis. There is no marina in St Louis so we will do our exploring from here.

Approaching the Alton Marina.

Downtown Alton

Rick Harnden joins us from New Hampshire for a few days. Rick is a friend of Linda and Mike from their growing up days in Dallas over 50 years ago. They have found each other recently (via google) and have really enjoyed getting reacquainted. Rick has retired and is ready for a boating adventure. His wife, Virginia, was to join us but is in Maine helping out with a son and daughter-in-law while awaiting the birth of a grandchild. Rick has his cel phone on, expecting word at any time.

Owen, Linda and Rick Harnden

We rent a car to go exploring. First we try a famous restaurant local 'Fast Eddies' where they serve great bar food very inexpensively (half pound hamburger for 99 cents) and other similar bargains. Indoor area is picnic tables and the best part is the outdoor 'beer garden' atmosphere with a ten foot steel fence around. Perfect place for a band.

Rick at 'Fast Eddie's'

'Fast Eddie's' beer garden.

We visit Saint Charles, the first Capitol of Missouri, and walk the brick streets and poke in the local shops. Lots of history here. Lewis and Clark set off from St Charles on their epic trip of exploration in 1804 and went up the Missouri river from here. Later, as settlers headed west, three out of four pioneers went through St Charles. It was quite a bustling place in the 1800's.

St Charles historic area downtown.

Real estate and plumbing. We all need a plumber.

Rick, Meriwether Lewis and Linda.
St Charles was the jumping off point for the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

St Louis is home to the large Soulard Farmers Market and we go to take a look but it is almost empty of vendors and customers.

Nice tomatoes.

Next we visit downtown St Louis and see the large stainless steel sculpture which is the 'Gateway to the West'. Known as the 'Arch', it is a National Park. There is a ride to the top, a great movie about Lewis and Clark and their trip from here up the Missouri, over the Rocky Mountains and down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean and back which took over two years (1804-1806). President Thomas Jefferson asked his Chief of Staff, Meriwether Lewis, a known leader and naturalist, to make the trip of exploration and Lewis asked William Clark to join him as co-captain. Clark was Lewis best friend and a skilled mapmaker and boatman. They made a great team. There is also a museum in the basement under the 'Arch' featuring the 'Opening of the West' which contains many artifacts, dioramas and historical story boards. We could have spent more time here.

The 'Arch' close up from below.

Great Museum of Westward Expansion.

Courthouse, now a museum.

The St Louis Cardinals are playing a double header with the Florida Marlins in St Louis in the downtown stadium today. The weather is beautiful and the stadium looks nearly full.

Then we are off to the Anheiser Busch Brewery to watch them make Budweiser and Michelob and see the famous Clysdale horses and beer wagons. We taste a few beers. No mention of the new European ownership of Budweiser.


Budweiser beer wagon.

Ken Horner joins us today as we prepare to head downstream. He has some time off from his Captain's duties on the Casino boat in Indiana and says he's ready for some time at the helm and to relax on the river. We have a long stretch with no marinas ahead of us. Glad he has time to join us this year.


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