
Friday, September 11, 2009

Sept 11, Hardin, IL

Today we moved from Havana, Illinois, down the Illinois River to Hardin, Illinois, and the Illinois Riverdock Restaurant. We left early and moved 40 miles to our last lock on the Illinois (10') where we had to wait a about an hour with 3 other 'looper' boats. One had been waiting 2 hours when we got there so their total wait was 3 hours. We cleared the lock about 11 am and then moved another 60 miles to the first place we found that had a dock that we could tie up. This is a well known stop for the 'loopers'. It has been a beautiful day to travel with temperatures about 80 and clear skies. Water temp 77.

Canoe with camping gear looks to be travelling down the river.

We pass this big barge on the 'two whistle' side.
Three barges wide and five barges long.
These are large sets of barges.

We see several more large sets of barges.

Quiet wilderness.

Some large bluffs along the Illinois River.

The Illinois Riverdock Restaurant is a welcome sight after a long day (nine hours) on the water. We arrive about 4 pm and initially we are the only boat here (seems like the boondocks). No power, no water, weak internet from somewhere. But a very nice and well maintained metal dock along the flowing Illinois River. We are happy to be in a secure spot with a restaurant nearby.

Illinois Riverdock Restaurant

Tied up to the dock.

We are joined about 7:30 pm by three other boats who arrive after more than 12 hours on the water.

'Loopers' travel together.

There is a small town here as well as the restaurant (which served great 'southern fried chicken' at the buffet). This area reminds us of W. Virginia and the rural parts of the Carolina's. Hill country with small farms. People wave and when walking by, say hello. Very pleasant stop.

Dawn on the Illinois River with some fog.

We get word today that the Asian Carp fish barrier is no longer a problem for the boats. The Coast Guard is allowing passage with out the tow. My internet connection is poor so I do not know the details.

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