
Thursday, August 14, 2008

July 5-Aug 13, Stuart, FL

We returned to Stuart on July 5th to deal with Linda's sudden bacterial eye infection.

Linda's eye infection is making real progress toward completely clearing up. She has had excellent treatment in Canada and in Stuart (Dr Salanger, a cornea specialist, of the Stuart Eye Institute) after our return home. The bacteria that caused the infection is gone in both eyes and the corneal ulcers that were active in both eyes are now healing. The acute part of the healing is complete and the longer term healing (to see if any scar tissue will remain and partially block her vision) will continue over the next six months before we can determine the proper long term solution. Her eyesight is good in the left eye and pretty good in the right. She and her Doctor say we are ready to resume our trip.

So we are off to Syracuse to pick up KOKOMO II and resume our trip.

Stuart has been a great place to be, comfortable in our home and with friends and family nearby. We loved getting together with everyone while we were home and sharing some great times together.

Owen and Dan with some keeper Cobia. These were caught in Stuart at the "Bullshark Wreck" aboard the little KOKOMO

Katie with another "keeper", new baby Sydney.

Ashley, Owen and Walker.

Walker and Linda.

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