
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aug 18, Belleville, ON

We enjoyed our morning in Picton and did a few boat repairs. After lunch we decided to move on to Belleville, about 30 miles further west on the Bay of Quinte. The first ten miles we cruised north in the narrow bay and were sheltered from the winds. It was a beautiful afternoon and a very pretty cruise. The Bay of Quinte then turned west and we found the winds much stronger (20-30 mph) and right on our nose. We arrived at the Meyer’s Pier Marina about 4pm, and were glad to be off the water and somewhat out of the wind.

Downtown Belleville

Nice arches. Saved from a teardown? Note the storm clouds in the background

We walked the half mile to town and found most things closed. Threatening clouds were beginning to gather. Walking back to the boat and watching the weather, the winds picked up and the rain looked like it would start right away, so we decided on an early dinner and ducked into a nearby seafood restaurant. The sky’s opened up just as we got in the door. Rained hard with lightning, thunder and hail for the next hour and a half and then cleared long enough for us to return to the boat. Our timing could not have been better.

Downtown Belleville as the storm moves in.

Did not see too much of Belleville. Nice evening tucked into our boat with stormy weather outside. We are watching the Beijing Olympics and Tropical Storm Fay head toward Stuart on satellite TV.

Marina at Belleville as we are leaving the morning after the storm. Clear skies are a welcome sight.

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