
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Aug 16, Oswego, NY

We have gone back west on the Erie Canal (one lock) and then north on the Oswego Canal (eight more locks) to the town of Oswego. Linda showed off her dirty gloves from handling the lines today and suspects that this is where she picked up the bacteria leading to her eye infections. We are being extra careful.

Linda tends the lines as we go through the locks and has very dirty gloves almost immediately

Not much happened today. Boating is usually 99% serene and then sometimes 1% panic. Rained on and off today but the Erie and Oswego Canals were pretty. It did not rain as we transited the locks and had to be outside. All in all a pleasant first day back on the water. But today we had our 1% moment of excitement: Just after lock 3 on the Oswego Canal, in the town of Fulton, we exited the lock and saw a teenage boy in the bushes below the lock who seemed to be hiding until we pulled even with his location. He then stood and threw a BRICK at the boat. He hit us and it made a big noise bouncing off the side of the boat (no damage). I blew the ships horn, five blasts (loud on these big boats) and he took off with two friends on their bicycles. Called the lockmaster and reported it and then called 911 and reported it to the police in the town of Fulton, NY, too. Just a vandal, no damage but we think we were lucky.

We see WINNIE THE POOH from Stuart, Florida in the Oswego Canal

We have room for a mascot. Reminds us of Jimmy Buffett and "Cheeseburger in paradise". Anybody have a suggestion for a name?

Tonight we are at the Oswego Marina in Oswego and can see Lake Ontario in the distance with the breakers splashing high over the breakwall. We are hoping for a nice day tomorrow to cross the lake to Canada.

We were at this same marina about two months ago with Cookie and Ted as we headed then for the Thousand Islands. Now we are heading to Trenton and the Trent-Severn waterway in Canada.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there mom and dad,
    I am so glad to see you guys out there on the water again. I know you are too. I love the pictures and will read in detail your journal tonight as my bedside reading. Just a thought with your new parrot..."CB" or "Cheeseburger" (as in...In Paradise;) ) I thought that would be cute...we'll put our heads to it. Love and miss you both. SO very glad to hear of mom's continuing recovery. Lots of love, Julie and crew xoxo
