
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 23, Merrickville, ON

We put in a full day on the water today. Weather is cool and overcast and the rain comes and goes. We left Ottawa at 8:45 am and headed south on the Rideau Canal. The start of the trip shows us very manicured parks and beautiful homes along the canal as we leave Ottawa. We make the first bridge in time for it's first opening at 9:00 am and travel all day. The speed limit in most of the canal is 10 kmh (6 mph). We cover 42 miles and go up 15 locks and end up in the charming small town of Merrickville about 6:30 pm as the rain finally stops.

Ken and Debbie underway a few miles from Ottawa

We join this boat in the first lock leaving Ottawa and share all our locks today heading upstream to Merrickville.

Downtown Merrickville

Stone Church on the corner.

This gal and a friend have come from Ottawa (three days paddling) and are camping along the way.

Here they are starting their return trip as it starts to sprinkle. The locks accommodate watercraft large and small.

Linda and Debbie touring the old mills ruins with a guide.

Linda, Ken and Debbie.

British "Block House" built in 1826 to defend the Canal.

Merrickville is now a nice tourist town with some very interesting shops and restaurants. We enjoy the ambiance.

Hats off to our crew today for a very long day and for handling the lines for all those locks in the rain! We walk the small town and have a nice dinner out. We are docked on the wall of the dam above town and have no power as only one 30 amp power plug is available and KOKOMO II requires more. Another nice night on the generator.

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