
Friday, October 5, 2007

Oct 5, Oyster Bay, NY

Woke up this morning in Northport, New York, and had a safe overnight at the free town dock. Breakfast this morning in town and a pleasant walk back along the waterfront. This is a really nice town for visiting boaters with pretty sights, dockage convenient to most everything and a really pretty setting.

Canadian Geese

Beautiful Park along the waterfront free dock

Lots of fog this morning, but Northport is a pretty area even in the fog.

We motored about 15 miles in the fog (visibility one-half mile) to Oyster Bay, New York, and found oyster men dragging for oysters as we enter the harbor.

Digging for oysters with a very long (25') rake.

Dragging for oysters with a boat

Large homes as we enter Oyster Bay

We picked up a mooring today at the Oyster Bay Marine Center. No room at the dock. They have a launch that operates until 10 pm so we are very happy about that. We walked the town of Oyster Bay and found it much further from the waterfront than we like and not nearly as attractive as many of the other towns we have visited. The waterfront is industrial, there are few trees, lots of power lines, the town is under the landing pattern for La Guardia and Kennedy airports and we heard loud industrial sirens several times during the day. Not very attractive. On the good side there is an Oyster festival planned next weekend that will attract 250,000 people. We sampled several kinds of oysters at a local restaurant and the local oysters were ok but the best were Kumomoto from California. Oyster Bay is not nearly as attractive as Northport.

The highlight of our stay was our visit to the Theodore Roosevelt home "Sagamore Hill" on 95 acres outside Oyster Bay. Interesting home of 23 rooms, built in the Victorian style of wood and brick, where President Teddy Roosevelt made his home and which became his summer White House while he was President in 1902-1909. He died here in 1919 at the age of 60. Our tour guide from the National Park Service (this is now a National Park) was less than fair but our docent (lady in her 70's-80's) was terrific.

"Sagamore Hill"

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