
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sept 26-27, Nantucket, MA

We woke up to more wind this morning. Somewhat hazy but 75 degrees and pretty. Wind still 15-20 kts. We are expecting a somewhat "bouncy" day on the water.

Dave and Joyce Powell got off the ferry from Cape Cod this morning (not knowing where we were) and Dave said he looked at the nearby boats and there was KOKOMO II. They stopped to say hello and gave us a glowing report on Nova Scotia. Small world.

We finally got underway about 11:30 and it was bouncy with a 2-3 foot chop for the 20 miles or so to Nantucket. Lots of salt on the boat today. Uneventful crossing and we arrived about 1:30.

Arriving in Nantucket

We are right on the wharf in the middle of things and are awaiting Dan and Katie who are flying in from Florida via Boston.

KOKOMO II at the Nantucket Boat Basin. Buildings behind us are Nantucket Boat Basin Hotel Cottages built over the water right on the wharf.

This freighter followed us the last 10 miles into Nantucket Harbor. He stayed 1/4 mile back but it seemed right behind us.

Shops of Nantucket Boat Basin. Most of these are art studio's but we have a fish market and a deli that makes a "Turkey Terrific" sandwich (turkey, turkey dressing, cranberry, mayo, lettice and tomato and onion). Pretty terrific!

Dan and Katie arrive about dinner time and we head off for some LOBSTA!

Thursday begins with an overcast sky and fog out in the harbor. Not much wind today. Temperature is still on the warm side, in the 70's and humid. We will see the sights.

Nantucket Whaling Museum is a real treat

Garden shop showing fall colors

Working windmill

This lighthouse is the Sankaty Head Light on the eastern shore of Nantucket. It is in the process of being moved 400 feet away from the shore to prevent it from collapsing into the ocean because of beach erosion. The move is to be completed before the winter storms come this winter.

This is the sign (a three dimensional model) over a store in Nantucket. Very nice shopping area.

Dinner tonight is more lobster cooked at the fish market and consumed aboard. KOKOMO II. That's lobster two times in two days. When in Rome....... Gentle but steady rain began about 8pm and lasted all night. Makes it cozy on the boat.

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