
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sept 16, Kennebunkport, ME

As we awaken in Boothbay, the remnants of Hurricane Humberto have completely passed through. The passing of the front has brought cooler air and the temperature is about 40 degrees, our coldest yet. Sky is clear with almost no wind and the forecast is for a nice day on the water. We plan to head for Kennebunkport, Maine.

Lighthouse at Boothbay Harbor

We left Boothbay Harbor at 10 am and motored at 9 knots in cool weather and calm seas about 45 miles to Kennebunkport, Maine. There were lots of lobster pot floats even out in the deep water for us to dodge. We were successful and no lines wrapped around the propellers so far. We saw several whales today. Pretty neat to see such large creatures in the water near the boat.

We think the Bush home is in the foreground on the right

As we approached Kennebunkport, we passed the protective outer buoys that guard the complex of the former President, George H. W. Bush. We probably saw the Bush home (on Walker Point on the charts?) but we are not sure which one it is exactly although we know it is one of four or five homes on the protected stretch of coast. An all black zodiac with mounted weapons sped by us headed to the protected area. Pretty exciting! Finally arrived in Kennebunkport, Maine, about 3:30. Linda says that it was too long on the water today.

We are at Chick's Marina in Kennebunkport which is a quarter mile to town and midway between town and the Bush home.

We walked into town and liked the village. Looks like a typical New England village should look although there were lot of tourists. Bright and sunny as we walk around town. Linda thinks the tourists here look Republican (mostly well dressed) and notes that the shops are not displaying the typical anti Bush merchandise (calendars counting down the days until Bush is out of office, etc) that we have seen in other towns in Maine.

There is a hint of real fall in the air with the high today in the 60's. We expect it will be even colder tonight than last night. Should be good for the fall color which we hope we will get to see before we leave for Florida.

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