
Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 23, Delaware City, DE

After a trip to the local Whole Foods grocery store for supplies for our new crew we left Baltimore about 10 am and took a tour of the Baltimore Inner Harbor in our own boat.

As we worked our way out toward the bay, we passed Fort McHenry and the US Flag was flying high over the ramparts. This is the spot where Francis Scott Key witnessed the British bombardment of the fort in September 1814 and wrote the Star Spangled Banner. As we passed by the fort, Julie led us in our National Anthem and it just seemed the right thing to do. Very nice to have John and Julie and almost the whole McGrath family with us.

Motored from Baltimore up to the top of the Chesapeake Bay and completed our trip through the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal to Delaware City. We had planned to stop in Chesapeake City but found the small basin crowded with weekenders and decided to move on another 15 miles. Some of our "looper" friends have told us they try never to move over a weekend because of local traffic and marina congestion. We see the point of their advice.

Delaware City is very small, located just off the Delaware River, and we have a nice spot to spend the night. Linda prepared a great meal and we ate at the picnic table on the deck at the marina. We put the crab trap out.

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