Thursday, May 31, 2007

May 30-June3, Norfolk, VA

The BIG TUG we followed through the bridges


Dry dock for painting and repairs

KOKOMO II in Norfolk at the Waterside Marina

The Battleship Wisconsin

Sailboat based at Waterside for daily tours. Very pretty red sails. She is moored very close to us on the outside dock and we saw a wedding aboard last evening about sunset. So close we could almost hear the vows.

Navy ships come and go every day. A very active port.

Linda finds a (toy) motorcycle and gets a little bit comfortable

Owen and Linda arrive in Norfolk, 985 nautical miles from Stuart, and decide they are none the worse for wear.

Cruise 30 miles toward Norfolk through pretty and undeveloped country. We arrived at Great Bridge where we refuel ($2.30 for diesel; cheapest yet) and check out the Atlantic Marina for winter storage. Proceed through the lock and we rise about six inches; we wonder if this is usual. On another 20 miles toward Norfolk and we wait with four or five other boats, including a large tug, for several bridges to open on their schedules (on the hour or on the 1/2 hour) before we can go through. We arrive in Norfolk harbor called "Hampton Roads" and go close by three aircraft carriers and several other large Navy Ships in drydock and under repair. Several small Navy security boats are patrolling the aircraft carrier nearest the channel to keep us at a distance.
We stay at the Waterside Marina again right at the foot of downtown Norfolk. Waterside Marina has some shops and several restaurants right on premises and a nice big mall about 5 blocks away. We find an Apple store in the big mall and take classes to learn how to use the new Apple iMac. Our learning is coming but slowly. Linda seems faster at the pasting of the pictures and the graphics than I do.
We all visited the Nautical Maritime Museum in Norfolk and toured the Battleship, Wisconsin, now in mothballs awaiting recommissioning if needed. Museum was nautical and covered the types of boats and life aboard the boats used around this area in the discovery, settlement, trade and battles from the early days to the present day with lots about the Navy presence here. Lots on the early settlers (Jamestown, 1607, is nearby) how early families explored and made their living on the boats, Pirate days and how that all came about, invasions and defense of the area during the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil war, and area contributions to the war effort during WW I, WW II and the Gulf wars. Lots of ship models and cutaway models, clothing and weapons.
Chuck and Charlotte leave on the 1st to drive back to Florida. Great to have them aboard and lots of fun to have some local knowledge as we went through rural coastal NC, especially Belhaven. As crew they were a big help and the line circles on the dock never looked better.
Ken Horner arrives Sunday (our last night in Norfolk) with Molly for a week aboard as we move north in the Chesapeake.
Took a small boat tour of the Navy's presence in the harbor that included the area from Norfolk all the way out to the Chesapeake Bay. This is a VERY BIG Navy yard and is said to be the largest naval yard in the world. We must have seen 75 Navy ships today. Ships in dry dock for painting or repair, an area where ships are being demagnetized, lots of ships at the docks presumably being loaded and/or waiting for assignment. Lots of movement of Navy ships in the port. Different types of ships in port today include aircraft carriers, destroyers, submarines and about every other type you may have read about. Beautiful to see these ships up close (approx 200 yds)from the boat. Security very evident including large floating barriers protecting the larger ships by keeping all other craft away, with coast guard and navy boats patrolling.

Kenny and Molly arrive on a rainy day and get a hug from Linda.

The Tugboat Museum is closed in preparation for a move to Florida

Always some activity in the marina. Here a sailor repairs a wind gage.

Pretty far up there

Two Coast Guard patrol boats docking in Norfolk right beside KOKOMO II, each with a crew of four and equipped with machine guns fore and aft.

Coast Guard crew reports that they are assigned to patrol the harbor during the tall ship festival next week in Norfolk. Supposed to be more than 70 tall ships here. Coast guard says patrol boats will go over 50 knots and cruise at 35.


At June 1, 2007 at 2:09 PM , Blogger Irv Skeoch said...

Hi Owen and Linda,

Betty and I love your Blog. Your trip looks fantastic and we are both enjoying your discription of events as we follow your progress.

We look forward to seeing more pictures.

At June 2, 2007 at 11:47 AM , Blogger Ted Snyder said...

Hi Linda & Owen...
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and enjoy reading about it. We had 6" of rain last night!!!! And not a puddle this morning. Looks like winds from Barry might be headed up the East coast.

At June 3, 2007 at 11:47 PM , Blogger Mike W. said...

Hi Owen & Linda,

This site is really good! I'm sure all of us who are watching your progress appreciate the time and effort it takes to maintain it.

You've heard about the winds and rain down here.....we had 5" of much needed rain in Vero Beach.

Be safe and enjoy.

At June 4, 2007 at 4:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi O & L,
Sorry we missed you going through NC. Just got you blog.. I love the photos. You are doing my dream trip, so I will follow your adventure with much anticipation. Stay safe and have fun for me...
Sandy and Bennett..

At June 5, 2007 at 6:44 AM , Blogger Julie and John McGrath said...

Hi there mom and dad,
What a wonderful way to follow your travels on the Kokomo II! We are so glad you are having such a great time after so much planning and dreaming about this. The pictures are terrific and really tell the story. We look forward to reading more about your adventures.
Love, Julie

At June 5, 2007 at 12:17 PM , Blogger Judy & Kent Mergler said...

Hi Linda and O.
We just caught up with your adventures again. It sounds like your cruise has continued to be GREAT since our fun visit in Charelston. It's a treat to be able to follow your trip and view the pictures.
We'll be keeping up to date.
Judy and Kent


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