
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 15-16, Beaufort, SC

Tides are now in the 8-9 foot range. This ramp will be level at high tide in six hours. We are glad to be tied up to floating docks that rise and fall with the tides.

Making friends on the dock

The "Mermaids" decorate the town

Our SEGWAY experience is about to get underway

Famous Last Words...We are not doing another thing we have to sign a release for. Yeah! Right!

Beaufort, SC (pronounced BU fort) is a great stop as we are close to the edge of downtown in the municipal marina. Walked the town and the shops and found it to be a charming place. Met an 87 year old shopkeeper who had a store that was a jumble; but a cute old guy. He said "Dad started the store in 1900, I was born in the family living quartes upstairs in 1920 and I've operated the store with my folks my whole life until they died and now I operate it with my wife". He still lives above the store and does not plan to retire. Lots of local history in SC.
Dinner that evening at a seafood restaurant with New York modern decor. Black and grey and marble and yet nautical. Good food, too.
Next day borrowed the loaner car at the marina (nice feature) and went for more provisions at the local grocery. Looked for a tour of the town after lunch and decided to rent SEGWAYS instead and do a self guided tour. Segways were interesting to operate, and after a few anxious moments and the signing of releases, we thoroughly enjoyed the new method of personal transportation. No accidents, no close calls. Beautiful homes and BIG oak trees all through the historical area. Our tour took about an hour and our legs were more tired than we expected. Dinner the second night was in the old Veranda Hotel with a great dining room and chef. Lots of movie people have stayed and eaten here and we were impressed. We seem to be travelling for the food.

Fuel stop at A&B Seafood - out in the middle of nowhere. Fresh shrimp were tasty.

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